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Manpower Employed

The Company has professionally qualified people heading all areas of operation. The Company analyses the training needs of its people and suitably imparts relevant training to its people.

Every functional area is headed by a competent supervisor / manager. There as 30 skilled people working in the plant.

Infrastructure - Factory Site Specifications

The factory is located on a site of about 26500 sq.ft. The processing builtup areas is about 20000 sq.ft inclusive of utility areas. The unit is located in a well developed Industrial Estate in Chennai which is close to the city. The processing area flooring is suitable and the walls are imperviously painted. The entire plant areas have a sanitary perimeter in an effort to follow the best GMP standards.

Modern Food Processing Plant

The Company set up a modern “Food Safe” food processing plant, with an investment of more than Rs.70 millions has been set up at Ambattur Industrial Estate in Chennai by January 2003.

This plant is modern “Food Safe Facility” and the company was one of India’s first food processing plants to obtain certification under ISO 9001:2000 & HACCP from NQA-UKAS-UK and GMP-AIB Consolidated Standards of 2001 from PMC-India. Over the years, the systems and processes have evolved in the industry and the company too has moved suitably and it is certified for ISO 22000:2005 from BAS.

The goal of the Company is to be of service to the world-wide consumer fraternity with a special focus on Indians all over the world by offering continually improved and cost effective processed food. For the discerning consumers - quality, healthy food is by far the most important.

Reverse Osmosis - Pure Water Used

All the water that enters the plant is treated pure and safe. Water infused into the products is derived from a modern Reverse Osmosis plant.

Modern Effluent Treatment Plant

The effluent from the plant is treated through a modern Effluent Treatment plant based on the latest American design using bio-fills. The treated effluent is worthy of reuse in the plant itself.

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Contact Us

Regd. Office & Factory Address


  • Contact Person: Mr. Amit C. Vaishnav - Managing Director
  • Email:,
  • Address: 3-C Bijayati Towers, 14/15 Halls Road, Kilpauk, Chennai 600010 India
  • Mobile: +91 98844 55605

Administrative Address

  • Address: 3-C Bijayati Towers, 14/15 Halls Road, Kilpauk, Chennai 600010 India
  • Phone: +91-98410 45605

Industry Address

  • Address: D-3, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai 600058 Tamilnadu

To get in touch with our various departments you could contact us at the respective email addresses given below:-


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